Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 25 Thursday
8:15am 74'(23) sunny off to the Gaspe Peninsula
We take hwy 20 which latter turns into hwy 132. The Gaspe Bay is a 300 mile coastline that completely girdles the peninsula's coast. The Gaspe Bay is a continuation of the Appliachian mountains rolling hills that will plunge into the sea. The outer mountain ring of the Canadian Shield. We pass many artists' colonies,poissonieres(fish markets) and fishing villages hugging the ocean. Every village with a church steeple. We stop at Mantane at a Walmart and try “Poutine”-French fries covered with goat cheese and gravey. I hate to find the calorie count .We pass Cap Chap with their windmills and finally stop at Mont-Louis for the night. We passed a beautiful site but they didn't have WIFI so we continued on as the book said their were parks with WiFi. But by the time we approached the site it was too late to turn in . No warning that the site was coming up . Mont-Louis was overlooking the water but no WIFI.the cafe next door had it but wanted $6 for 1 hour. We traveled 344mi (554 km) we paid $25 a night. No phone signal either.
REMEMBER- Let each day be your masterpiece

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