Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19 Friday- Ottawa 2009
cloudy in the morning but sunny after. We drive to a park and ride very close to the park. We take rapid transport into town only $3 each. We get off close to the parliament building. Bill goes to the War Museum and I do the Peace Tower on the Hill. One has to go through a personal search like at an airport. I forgot I had my hiking back pack and had a pair of scissors. They were taken away and I got to retrieve them after my tours. Wouldn't you know it my batteries are dead. Thankfully I got to take pictures at the top of tower. I get my free ticket for parliament tour I go at 1:15. In the meanwhile I walk to the market place very much like our Grandville Island. We meet in front of Tim Hortins at 4pm, and return to the RV park exhausted.
REMEMBER_The trouble with doing nothing is that You never know when you have finished.

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