Saturday, August 15, 2009

Looking back on Newfoundland'
We loved Gros Morne, St Anthony .Labrador, Twillinggate, Eliston, Bonavista and St Johns plus St Pierre. All are a must.
-I regret not stopping long enough to pick wild berries-bakeapple, blueberries and wild raspberries.
-We were surprised by the vastness of the province. With 11,000 miles of coastline we enjoyed many dramatic ocean vistas.
-We were worried by the many homes sitting empty as more and more young people are leaving to find a better life with the fishing industry failing.
-We were surprised by how many lakes or ponds (as they call them). They are scattered everywhere. Also a lot of bogs.
-Sorry we missed walking down town St Johns
-Loved the friendliness of the people. We never met a nasty one or an unhappy one even though the economy ids down, even tourist are down this year. We had no trouble getting into RV parks unless we ran into a caravan even then we always got in.
-Loved watching for whales ,moose,and different birds. Also loved all the wildflowers.
-Glad we bought our treasures when we did (St Anthony area) as I was able to buy direct from the artist and not from a gift shop.
-I did get to taste cod tongue and enjoyed the fresh seafood. We didn't do any dinner theater but many were offered.
-Newfoundland is properly nicknamed The Rock as evident by the small growth of the trees (not enough soil to get nourishment to grow bigger. Farming is very scarce as again no soil to grow fruit, vegetables or grain. Also hardly any grazing live stock.
-We enjoyed forgetting about the modern life and visiting many historic sites. Remember Canada began life here.
Newfoundland lived up to it's name New-fun -land.

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