Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 24 Tuesday 2009 Halifax
We wake up to sunshine and decide to do Halifax harbour but first we have to go to Canada tire to see if we can get a new RV tire rim. They do not have one but tell us where a rv place is. They don't have either but will order one in from Montreal and it will be here Friday. Off to the waterfront Bill puts the Maritime museum of the Atlantis in his GPS we arrive safely. We park near by for $12 a day. We get there in time to get a guided tour. He takes us through some sea fairing history. They have a titanic area, a Sable Island lifesaving exhibit,the Halifax explosion where in 1917 the French freighter(Monte Blanc) loaded with explosives collides with a Norwegian ship in port. The resulting explosion flattened 2 square miles of the city killing 2,000 people and injuring 9,000. There is convoy exhibit revealing how Nova Scotia helped in the struggle to supply Europe during WW11. There are many models of the Cunard's world renowned ships. There is also a sail gallery, shipwreck treasures,steam gallery and small craft gallery. At 2pm we get to ride the ferry to Darthmouth with a guide who explains their ferry system. We are back in time for a guided tour of the CSS Acadia tied up at the wharf. This was the first hydrographic research vessel built to chart Canada's Arctic and East coast waters. We also get on board the Sackville . We return home with our heads realing with historical data. All this for $9 each
REMEMBER- Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth.

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