Monday, August 03, 2009

Aug 2 Sunday 2009
Bonavista sunny another Kodak day.
Today we visit the Cape Bonavista lighthouse 1843.Today the square 2 story wooden structure built around a masonry tower,which rises through the center of the building to support the light has been restored to the 1870 period. We get to tour inside with a guide in period costum. We walk to the right of the lighthouse and look over the cliff and lo and behold there are the puffins on the cliff. Atop the rock fortress is a grassy knoll and here are the puffins,standing erect like tuxedoed penguins, but with colourful faces and bills that make people smile. Some fly in from the sea, catting fish in their bills, gliding in for a landing like bulbous bombers.. Others push orange feet off the cliff and swoop down like hang gliders. Still others remain as sentinels beside their burrows. While some make a hasty retreat inside their earthly homes. We look up now and then with our binoculars to watch a huge pod of whales having a whale of a time. They move far too quickly to get photos. We drive back down the peninsula to Dungeon Provincial Park here is where a sea cave has collapsed to become a steep-sided crater. It is said that John Cabot in 1497 first stepped ashore in the new world. He is commemorated with a statue. There is also a replica of the ship Ye Mathew. It was only 92' . We get a guided tour of the ship and interpretive enter. Next we go to Mockbeggar Plantation house historic site. Here is a 19 century house, a long two and one half story wooden salt-box store located on the western edge of the plantation is believed to have been built around 1733. We get a guided tour here too. We are getting toured out so head up to the water tower for a 360 view of Bonavista. We still have a lot to see so we will stay another day.forgot to
REMEMBER- Love leaves a memory no one can steal.

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