Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11 Sunday 2011

The weather co-operated for the whole of BYC's family weekend. We got to leave a little earlier as the twins pre-school got canceled on Thursday. Only about 5 boats here but Friday was different. We got a surprise during the evening as we got to see the Northern light for a short time. We also hear a 6.8 earthquake was centered 100 miles from Comox on Vancouver Island. Of course we felt nothing on the water. Saturday was a fun day for Carter and Madison as grandpa bought fishing rods. The club had a great craft table going for the kids. They carried dog biscuits in the pocket of their life jackets so the dogs followed then everywhere. Bill got up early Saturday morning( 6am) as he made the coffee for the group. They even had bailey's to go with it. Smoothies for the kids an Pina Coladas and Margaritas for the adults Saturday afternoon. A wonderful meal Saturday night -Steaks, crabs, salmon, chicken- Madison tried them all. The evening was talent night served with desert and specialty coffee. After a breakfast of sausages, bacon pancakes fruit we left around 11am. Sherri brought the cribs for them to sleep in as they were familiar with them for sleeping. The first night they were in bed early but woke up briefly at 2:30 am and again at 4am. The next night was better and even better the next. I go back to Sherri's until Wednesday to help.

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