Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23 Monday 2011

We leave Ekins at 8:30 am in perfectly smooth waters. It stays that way all the way back to the club. The family long weekend was a success even with some nagging rain Saturday. I hardly cooked all weekend as the club supplied breakfast Saturday and Sunday. Bill said he would make the coffee on Saturday so he was up at 5;30am as he had 2 huge pots to perk. Lunch Saturday was pulled pork and beans and salad then a big happy hour where we all brought something. Chicken breast for dinner. Lots of games were played both for adults and kids. (horseshoes and volleyball) Some of the boats had large screen TV's and people watched the Cannucks hockey team in the play offs. They won . I missed the trip to McNab creek tour across the way. Dam . free beer and Jack Daniels were also served. I played a game of triominos (like dominoes) with Judy and we tied . Didn't have time for the play off.

REMEMBER-The best decisions come from your heart and your head.

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