Saturday, March 12, 2011

Update on Shannon and Ethan and the CV9

Their new first mate ( only 3 hrs on the job) is still in the hospital and hanging in. He didn't break any bones just landed on his head while washing the boat. Ethan flew his parents in from London England and his sister to be by his side. Boat insurance payed for their flight and accommodations and also a nurse 24-7. They have made plans for a tempory first mate to arrive March31. The original first mate got married so had to leave the boat. They were sorry to lose him but life goes on. The boss is arriving April 1 with his wife for 2 weeks. Shannon and Ethan hope to take a quick holiday to Queensland ( South Island New Zealand) before the boss arives.

1 comment:

I.M. Vayne said...

Let me sea if I gots this straight. You has written: The new first mate, who were really the second first mate, the first first mate havin' first left, is about to be replaced by the third first mate.

It ain't no wander ya calls this blog the rollin' marbles, as it looks like you has already lost most of yers, them all rollin' away and such.

I.M. now understandin' why some things is just unexplaneable.

Me and Nilda's blog