Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh what a day. I decide to make cinnamon buns. First off we are short 1 cup of the WW flour. Thank goodness I hadn't mixed the yeast. We wait for Sherri to get up so she can go to the store for us. Got our flour and when I turned my back Carter added the cup of water for the yeast into my milk and butter mixture. Oh well just add more flour. I haven't baked bread in years so it was a good adventure. The kids had fun poking the dough. Carter was the only one who really enjoyed the effort he loved pulling the squares apart. I didn't put enough sugar so was rather dry oh well a good learning experience. My friend Sharon came to visit and picked one of my market scenes in Peru to paint. I was homered. I painted more on the kids table.

REMEMBER-Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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