July23 Monday Shawl Bay-We wake up and it is still raining. Shelia and I play Rummy cubes after breakfast. It clears up after lunch so Shelia and I go kayaking. We play games again after supper as we are both leaving but separate ways but will meet up again latter.
July 22 Sunday Shawl Bay- rain, a little sun than back to rain, it follows this pattern all day. Clark and Shelia on Island Pride arrive. The dock has cleared out so they park behind us. Tonight is the big pot luck dinner.
July 21 Saturday Shawl Bay- It is Bill’s big day he turns 65. David and Penny leave. We plug into electric. Now we can run our electric heater as it’s starting to get damp with all the rain. Another BYC boat comes in and the dock is full so we pay for them. Chris and Lib on Riot 11. We met them at Oleos.