Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feb 11 Sunday- I find out there were just over 7 thousand bikers on the marathon yesterday. It did not rain like they expected today so we go on a 6 mile hike in the Mecca hills just east of Indio. Phillip our leader is very knowledgeable, he has even written a book on hiking in the Palm Springs area. We have 14 people and 5 dogs (all got along off leash). We meet at the Albertsons parking lot just of Washington and car pooled . It was a walk about where he told us of different trailheads to hike at another time. He showed us scenic and geological points of interest. A great time was had by all.
Feb 10 Saturday- I say a quick good bye to Cliff and Ruth Ann then I head out to the Palm Desert library for a free docent guided tour of art in the library inside and out , but I am stopped for 5-8 min as just outside the park 1000 of bikers ( pedal) are going down Dillon for a marathon . I finally find a small space to make a left turn. There are only 5 in our group. We are there for 1 hour . There were 12 pieces of art work to see. Very interesting. I take my computer as they have free WIFI and my month with tengo has run out. My favorite was a large frog titled-Puffed up prince. I also enjoyed "c" is for cat, a little girl reading to her cat, both bronze.

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