Sunday, January 17, 2016

family time

living desert

January 17 Sunday 2016
Sorry I haven't posted but have been busy with family. They arrived Wednesday, this time I was ready for them with chilli and even jello all made. Madison couldn't wait to go swimming. They go every day as it is freezing cold back home so the daily sunshine was much appreciated. They had fun climbing our grapefruit and orange trees. I bought season tickets for the Living Desert and I can take the kids as often as I want. I took Gerry, Carter and Madison on a 3 mile hike on the Henderson trail in Santa Rosa. Today Gerry took the kids for an over nighter at his mothers. Carter can not wait to play golf there. We are planning a trip to Lego land in Carlsbad north of San Diego. We are having a hard time with the deflated Canadian dollar.(only 68.77)

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