Wednesday, November 20, 2013

we get the green light

November 20 Wednesday 2013
We get the green go ahead. Looks like Wednesday Nov .27will be our departure date with a stop at Blaine for our nexus pass interview. The doctors are pleased with the laparoscopic hysterectomy operation and our travel health insurance is A ok. We got our flue shots so ready to go. We will fly home for Christmas December 22 for 10 days returning January 1, 2014. We plan a Disney land trip January 13. Sherri ,Gerry and the twins plus Shannon plans on joining us . Should be great fun. Sherri's family will come to Palm Springs until January 22. February our trip to El Salvador for the ruins of Copan and Guadamala for the ruins of Tikal is going ahead. So We have an exciting winter ahead.

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