Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13 Monday 2011 BYC

I babysit Friday as Sherri and Gerry go to a play ( Wicked) They go to Vancouver for the show the same day the Canucks hockey game so the streets are crowded with people watching the huge screen TV in the street, ( Canucks win 1-0) Saturday BYC has an antique boat and car show. The big kids don't get their act together and we arrive at the club around 6:30 pm. Carter and Madison have a great time exploring the boat in and out. They have no problem wearing the life jackets. We get up top in time for the entertainment of a live band with great dance music. Madison has great time dancing to the beat. Carter is more interested in wandering around the antique cars. I didn't take my camera with me so missed some good shots won't I ever learn? Sunday Janet and Chuck Monkley come for dinner. We have a good time reminiscing. Monday June 13 drizzle, then downpour, drizzle, downpour all day long so much for walking up launsdale and the libruary. Canucks loose tonight

REMEMBER-there is no shortcuts to any place worth going.

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