Sunday, August 08, 2010

August 2010

We are back in Vancouver after a short stay at Clemintine up Indian Arm. We caught some crabs and had a great feast. Back for our twin fix. Hudson and Dina stayed one night more. Bill fell down a couple of stairs and hurt his back. He went to the doctors as he hit his kidneys on the railing. Monday he goes for an ultra sound . Both kids phoned on my birthday. Shannon and Ethan are on their way to Singapore for 2 weeks. They will get their new water maker inspected for warranty. Shannon is looking forward to Singapore. After that they will head back to western Australia. Perth and eventually Tasmania. I had a terrible night with the twins Friday I tried putting them to bed and we couldn't find Carter's bunny. We looked everywhere. The poor guy cried for half an hour of coarse Madison joined in. I finally gave them a cuddle and brought them downstairs then back to bed still no bunny. The second time he didn't cry quite as long. Sherri found the bunny inside a cupboard inside the roasting pan. Who would have thought of that????

REMEMBER-make room for chance encounters

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