Monday, November 30, 2009

November 29 Sunday
2009 Casa Crande Arizona
3 of us drive to Table Mountain for a hike in the desert. We first stop at a barnlike building. Aparrently someone built it to raise cattle (not finished) but he died before it was finished. We meet 2 cowboys next door who told us the story. They were there at their coral looking for their missing wild cows that were there yesterday but were missing today. Someone got to them . Apparently wild cows and horses roam the area. What they eat is beyond me. They also told us to look out for ailiens as this was the coridor for smugglers and drugs from Mexico. Sure enough we find backpacks, gas cans, empty water containers etc. Then we notice signs telling us the same thing put up by the government. We finally make it to the end of the gravel road where there are washrooms, picnic tables and camp sites. We follow the trail up to the mountain. We do not make it to the top. We left at 8:30 and came back by 4:30. Thank goodness I didn't have to cook dinner as Al invited us to his place for dinner. They are Canadians and she cooked a canadian dinner- salmon, home cooked pickled beets, home made Christmas cakes and minced mincemeat pies.
REMEMBER-Good things come from to those who wait.

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