Tuesday, April 11, 2017

time to up date

April 4 2017 Tuesday Its time I up dated my blog. I will not be posting much now untipl summer when we go to Haida Guie ( Queen Charlottes) and then the big trip all around South America in September. But here is the latest-Things are starting to come together. Bill had a struggle with 5 months of mail as we didn't get home for Christmas like planned. This played havoc with our medical insurance as we are now over our 60 days. We payed dearly. It would have paid us to fly home and right back again. Next year we will know better. We have had our yearly medical and blood work . Eyes done today so good for another year. We got our new car licence plates then went and renewed our pass ports for our impending trip around South America. Brazil needs a visa so that will be next. I have been kept busy knitting Barbie doll dresses and new born baby outfits for South Africa. I have also been doing some gardening weather permitting. We will have to check to see if we need any shots for SA????? I am cooking Easter dinner on Friday. Sherri and family as well as Hudson and Dina.Sherri is doing the broccoli

 salad and fresh cranberries. Hudson and Dina the pie and ice cream.