Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 29 Monday 2009 Perce to Caraquet NB
7:30am 55'(13) the fog has lifted enough to get pictures. We were much closer than I thought to both Perce rock and Bonaventure Island. We take hwy 132-11 in New Brunswick. Another hour time change. Rain all day. We arrive 2:15 we drove 263m (427k) We stay at Motel and camping Colibri again with passport America $32 for 2 nights. It stops raining just long enough to get unhooked. It rains all night.
REMEMBER- If you see someone without a smile give him one of yours.
7:30am 55'(13) the fog has lifted enough to get pictures. We were much closer than I thought to both Perce rock and Bonaventure Island. We take hwy 132-11 in New Brunswick. Another hour time change. Rain all day. We arrive 2:15 we drove 263m (427k) We stay at Motel and camping Colibri again with passport America $32 for 2 nights. It stops raining just long enough to get unhooked. It rains all night.
REMEMBER- If you see someone without a smile give him one of yours.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 28 Sunday 2009 Perce Quebec
Out of luck still foggy at least it is not raining. We board 1 of 3 boats heading to Bonaventure Island and the gannet colony also Perce rock. Perce rock first -a 5m ton slab of turfed topped limestone with a hole in it. Erosion pierced a hole as the name implies, a hole big enough to drive the boat through if it were not for falling debris. Off the mainland of Perece the French explorer Jacque Cartier anchored 3 ships in 1534 to claim the region for France. The boat slowly circles the island shrouded in fog. We arrive at Bonaventure Island and it too is vialed in fog. We circle it too and gawk at the sheer vertical cliff. We see the sea and grassy knoll far above us. The face of the cliff is covered with thousands of different birds nesting. We disembark and buy our $3.50 park pass to walk the 1.4 miles through the woods to the other side of the island to reach the nesting grounds of 124,000 birds. The woods open up and we smell and hear them before we see them. We can get within 6 ft of them. We are mesmerized by the sight and behaviour of the birds. We see it all- the courtship, the defending of territory, yes the sex. We see a single egg or baby under the female when she lifts herself up to turn around . We see males dive bomb down some offering gifts. They are noisy little buggers always squawking about something. Have you ever seen 124,000 of anything all in one spot? What a sight. ( Gannets are striking white seabirds with yellow necks and blue eyes outlined in Egyptian-style markings). Bill only makes it part way and we meet again in the restaurant in the entrance. Our re
turn trip is only 1 hr. We get home pleasantly tired. Couldn't even go to the interpretive center. Too tired. Bill fuels up before returning to the RV park. We get ready to leave tomorrow to Caraquet New Brunswick. On hwy 11
REMEMBER_One should eat to live not live to eat.
Out of luck still foggy at least it is not raining. We board 1 of 3 boats heading to Bonaventure Island and the gannet colony also Perce rock. Perce rock first -a 5m ton slab of turfed topped limestone with a hole in it. Erosion pierced a hole as the name implies, a hole big enough to drive the boat through if it were not for falling debris. Off the mainland of Perece the French explorer Jacque Cartier anchored 3 ships in 1534 to claim the region for France. The boat slowly circles the island shrouded in fog. We arrive at Bonaventure Island and it too is vialed in fog. We circle it too and gawk at the sheer vertical cliff. We see the sea and grassy knoll far above us. The face of the cliff is covered with thousands of different birds nesting. We disembark and buy our $3.50 park pass to walk the 1.4 miles through the woods to the other side of the island to reach the nesting grounds of 124,000 birds. The woods open up and we smell and hear them before we see them. We can get within 6 ft of them. We are mesmerized by the sight and behaviour of the birds. We see it all- the courtship, the defending of territory, yes the sex. We see a single egg or baby under the female when she lifts herself up to turn around . We see males dive bomb down some offering gifts. They are noisy little buggers always squawking about something. Have you ever seen 124,000 of anything all in one spot? What a sight. ( Gannets are striking white seabirds with yellow necks and blue eyes outlined in Egyptian-style markings). Bill only makes it part way and we meet again in the restaurant in the entrance. Our re
turn trip is only 1 hr. We get home pleasantly tired. Couldn't even go to the interpretive center. Too tired. Bill fuels up before returning to the RV park. We get ready to leave tomorrow to Caraquet New Brunswick. On hwy 11
REMEMBER_One should eat to live not live to eat.
June 27 Saturday 2009 Perce Gaspe peninsula's
We are disappointed when we wake up as the fog has not lifted and it rains off and on all day. We say good bye to Roy and Billie and might meet up with them in PEI. I post the blog in the morning and after lunch we decide to go into town and play tourist in the many shops as well as check out where we get the boat to Bonaventure Island tomorrow. When we get back the people next door moved their trailer and for some reason moved our satalite dish. No more signal. Bill gets frustrated and quits trying. Some good news I can get WIFI in the rig. We are still shrouded in damp fog tonight.
REMEMBER- the secret to happy living is not to do what you like but like what you do .
We are disappointed when we wake up as the fog has not lifted and it rains off and on all day. We say good bye to Roy and Billie and might meet up with them in PEI. I post the blog in the morning and after lunch we decide to go into town and play tourist in the many shops as well as check out where we get the boat to Bonaventure Island tomorrow. When we get back the people next door moved their trailer and for some reason moved our satalite dish. No more signal. Bill gets frustrated and quits trying. Some good news I can get WIFI in the rig. We are still shrouded in damp fog tonight.
REMEMBER- the secret to happy living is not to do what you like but like what you do .
Saturday, June 27, 2009
June 26 Friday 2009 8am 65'(18) sunny Gaspe bay Peninsula
I wake up at 6am so get up and walk the beach. Beautiful. We leave at 8am heading for Perce Rock. When at sea leval the highway curves along the shore. We see the gentle waves roll across the strange rock base. Near vertical plates of black rock sandwiched together like uplifted stacks of cards are eroded unevenly, leaving a jagged edge over which waves lap like water pouring over a roughly plowed field. Then the road begins its ascent. Now with the highway forged along the top of the rock cliffs, it becomes a driving challenge. The pitch changes constantly, up and down : 7%, 8%, 9% slopes. Then we see signs with double digits: 10%,12%. 14%. The scenery is exhilarating. Every turn another wonder. Finally we reach Perce .We stay at Phare RV park overlooking the ocean and the rock but it is too foggy to see anything this afternoon. We get in with passport America and pay only $54 for 3 nights. WIFI Free is in the laundry room and is supposed to work in our rigs tomorrow. . And the phone works now. We are parked beside Roy and Billie. We all go out for dinner in town. Another 3 coarse meal for $15 each. The fog lifts now and then. Its mostly near the water. Bill gets the satalite dish working, so we all watch global news. Roy and Billie are leaving tomorrow.
We traveled 161miles 260k
REMEMBER- However good or bad a situation is it will change.
I wake up at 6am so get up and walk the beach. Beautiful. We leave at 8am heading for Perce Rock. When at sea leval the highway curves along the shore. We see the gentle waves roll across the strange rock base. Near vertical plates of black rock sandwiched together like uplifted stacks of cards are eroded unevenly, leaving a jagged edge over which waves lap like water pouring over a roughly plowed field. Then the road begins its ascent. Now with the highway forged along the top of the rock cliffs, it becomes a driving challenge. The pitch changes constantly, up and down : 7%, 8%, 9% slopes. Then we see signs with double digits: 10%,12%. 14%. The scenery is exhilarating. Every turn another wonder. Finally we reach Perce .We stay at Phare RV park overlooking the ocean and the rock but it is too foggy to see anything this afternoon. We get in with passport America and pay only $54 for 3 nights. WIFI Free is in the laundry room and is supposed to work in our rigs tomorrow. . And the phone works now. We are parked beside Roy and Billie. We all go out for dinner in town. Another 3 coarse meal for $15 each. The fog lifts now and then. Its mostly near the water. Bill gets the satalite dish working, so we all watch global news. Roy and Billie are leaving tomorrow.
We traveled 161miles 260k
REMEMBER- However good or bad a situation is it will change.
June 25 Thursday 8:15am 74'(23) sunny off to the Gaspe Peninsula
We take hwy 20 which latter turns into hwy 132. The Gaspe Bay is a 300 mile coastline that completely girdles the peninsula's coast. The Gaspe Bay is a continuation of the Appliachian mountains rolling hills that will plunge into the sea. The outer mountain ring of the Canadian Shield. We pass many artists' colonies,poissonieres(fish markets) and fishing villages hugging the ocean. Every village with a church steeple. We stop at Mantane at a Walmart and try “Poutine”-French fries covered with goat cheese and gravey. I hate to find the calorie count .We pass Cap Chap with their windmills and finally stop at Mont-Louis for the night. We passed a beautiful site but they didn't have WIFI so we continued on as the book said their were parks with WiFi. But by the time we approached the site it was too late to turn in . No warning that the site was coming up . Mont-Louis was overlooking the water but no WIFI.the cafe next door had it but wanted $6 for 1 hour. We traveled 344mi (554 km) we paid $25 a night. No phone signal either.
REMEMBER- Let each day be your masterpiece
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 24 Wednesday Saint -Jean Bapteste day. a holiday in Quebec. We decide we didn't want to go into Quebec City on such a holiday . Bill washes the rig outside and also does the laundry. We get ready to leave tomorrow for the Gaspe peninsula. Don't know how available WIFI will be. No wonder the Conde Nast travelers magazine 2008 ranked Quebec city 3rd among top tourist travel destinations in the Americas (outside the USA) and 19 in the world. Travel and Leisure magazine ranked Quebec 6th among 10 best cities in Canada and USA ( worlds best award 2008).
Reflecting- We left the modern world behind and were mesmerized by the charm of quaint village that transported us to another time and place. It was as if we experienced a time warp and landed is France. Narrow cobbled streets,music, cuisine,plus streets brimming with artist shops, entertainment and sidewalk cafes were very European. The clip-clop rhythm of horse 's hooves pulling tourist-laden carriages led further charm to the scene. Definitely a must see.
REMEMBER-By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends
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