Thursday, November 12, 2015

on the way Thursday

November 12 Thursday 2015
We get a slower start . A great breakfast-bacon and eggs, Biscuits and gravy, pancakes, muffins ,bagels or sweet rolls. Cereals too yogart and bananas or apples .take your pick.  We take a banana each and a yogert for lunch. Weather sunny sunny sunny yahoo. In the car by 7:30 45' I discouvered that I didn't take my cord for my camera to my computer so will get it when I come home for xmas. So no pictures I took one of Mt Shaska. We arrive in Palm Desert at 2pm and get a room at the Best Western on hwy 111 as Bill's cousins are both sick with flue or colds .We will move into our place tomorrow. Had our hamberger fix at Carls Junior


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