Monday, October 22, 2007

Oct 20 Saturday Ti Amau – We wake up at 5am to rain drumming on the roof. We get back to sleep only to have to get up at 6:30 as a bus is picking us up at 7:30. Not to be as road is closed due to an earthquake and rain. They hope to have the road opened by noon. We get the bus anyway at 10:30 and hope the road is opened when we get there. Luck is with us. It is raining outside we think we are in Vancouver. The 2 hour drive to Mildford sound is like driving up to Whistler. We get on a boat and go up the fjord and it is like going up Princess Louise Inlet. We luck out as all the rain expands the falls and latter the sun comes out for perfect picture opportunities of unspoilt awe inspiring wilderness. Picture perfect sites lie in every direction. We even get to see the mischievous Keas (a bird) and a rare crested penguin. We go through Homer tunnel. Rain continues after a brief shot of the sun. Another day with front row seats.

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